

Test cards





Payment links

Error codes

Payment Split


Discount Coupons





On this page:

POST Create sale on Pix

Using the route above you can add a payment order with Pix.

Parameters List

Parameter Type Description Required
customerId integer Customer identifier Yes
fingerprint string User session unique identifier No
includeFeeTransfer boolean Indicates whether fees should be passed on to the consumer No
amount decimal Total amount to be charged Yes
description string Sale Description Yes
voucher string Discount coupon No
payment object Payment information Yes
type string Payment type (pix) Yes
installments integer Number of installments Yes
splits array<object> Splits No
splitRuleId int It can be one or more Yes
metadata dictionary<key, value> Used to save miscellaneous information in dictionary format <key, value>
warrantyDays int Service Warranty Time in Days No
whenShouldIssueNfe object When to issue the NFe Yes, if send Nft To Customer property is used
0 At the time of sale
1 After warranty
2 Do not issue
sendNfeToCustomer boolean Send invoice to consumer Yes, if when Should InsuraNce property is used

<aside> <img src="/icons/alert_red.svg" alt="/icons/alert_red.svg" width="40px" /> NFE properties are only available in case of integration with eNotas.


Status related to Order

Status Meaning
New Temporary status, if this status persists, contact support
Succeded Order created successfully
Canceled Order canceled
Failed Failed during order creation

Status related to Payment

Status Meaning
New Temporary status, if this status persists, contact support
Pending Pending payment
Succeded Payment made successfully
Canceled Payment Canceled
Dispute Payment in Dispute
Failed Payment Failure
ChargedBack Lost Dispute
DisputeSucceeded Dispute Overdue

<aside> 💡 Important: the discount coupon changes the final value of the Payment Order.


Request example

This is an example of what your request to authenticate might look like.


If your request has invalid creation parameters - for example, specifying an invalid field or value - you may receive an error response. Below is the complete list of possible error responses:

Related Content

<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> POST - Create a credit card sale


<aside> <img src="" alt="" width="40px" /> GET - Filter payment order
