On this page:
Here is the description of HTTP status codes used within the Primefy API.
Primefy uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate whether an HTTP request has been successfully completed.
The responses are grouped into five classes.
Class | Response |
Informational Responses | 1xx |
Success Responses | 2xx |
Redirection | 3xx |
Client Error Responses | 4xx |
Server Error Responses | 5xx |
Status | Message | What does it mean? |
200 | Ok | This request was successful. The meaning of success varies depending on the HTTP method used. |
201 | Created | The request was successful, and a new resource was created as a result. |
401 | Unauthorized | Client without permission or not authenticated. |
403 | Forbidden | The client does not have access rights to the content, so the server is rejecting the request. |
404 | Not found | HTTP response that indicates the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity | The request is well-formed but unable to be followed due to semantic errors. |
500 | Internal Server Error | The server encountered a situation it doesn't know how to handle. |
Code | What does it mean? |
4 | Unauthorized transaction. Please contact your bank to try again. |
15 | Unauthorized transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
51 | Unauthorized transaction. Card restricted due to insufficient credit limit. Please contact your issuing bank. |
39 | Unauthorized transaction. Please use the debit function. |
52 | Unauthorized transaction. Please use the credit function. |
53 | Unauthorized transaction. Please use the credit function. |
59 | Unauthorized transaction. Purchase suspected of fraud, please contact your issuing bank. |
58 | Unauthorized transaction. The provided card is not allowed to perform this type of transaction. Please contact your bank to try again. |
93 | Transaction not authorized by your bank due to suspected fraud. Please contact your bank to try again. |
6 | Transaction not authorized. The provided card does not exist or has incorrect data, please use valid data from an existing card. |
3 | Transaction not authorized. Invalid merchant. |
19 | Transaction not authorized. Acquirer issue. |
12 | Transaction not authorized. Format error. Please contact your bank to try again. |
82 | Transaction not authorized. Card error. Please contact your bank to try again. |
75 | Unauthorized transaction. Password/purchase attempt amount exceeded. |
76 | Unauthorized transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
61 | Unauthorized transaction. Value exceeded. Contact your card center. |
64 | Unauthorized transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
N4 | Unauthorized transaction. Value exceeded. Contact your card center. |
74 | Unauthorized transaction. Password expired. Contact your card center. |
81 | Unauthorized transaction. Password expired. Contact your card center. |
78 | Unauthorized transaction. Unlock the card. |
91 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
92 | Unauthorized transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
94 | Unauthorized transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
96 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
N8 | Unauthorized transaction. Value different from pre-authorization. Contact your bank to try again. |
N3 | Unauthorized transaction. Withdrawal not available. Contact your bank to try again. |
R0 | Unauthorized transaction. Recurring payment suspension. Contact your bank to try again. |
R1 | Unauthorized transaction. Recurring payment suspension. Contact your bank to try again. |
R3 | Unauthorized transaction. Recurring payment suspension. Contact your bank to try again. |
Code | What does it mean? |
15 | Unauthorized transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
51 | Unauthorized transaction. Card restricted due to lack of limit, contact your issuing bank. |
58 | Unauthorized transaction. The provided card is not allowed to carry out this type of transaction. Contact your bank to try again. |
1 | Unauthorized transaction. The card provided does not exist or has incorrect data, please use data from an existing and valid card. |
3 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid trader. |
30 | Unauthorized transaction. Purchaser problem |
88 | Unauthorized transaction. Card error. Contact your bank to try again. |
12 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid installment amount. |
75 | Unauthorized transaction. Password/purchase attempt amount exceeded. Contact your card center. |
61 | Unauthorized transaction. Value exceeded. Contact your card center. |
91 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
96 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
Code | What does it mean? |
51 | Unauthorized transaction. Card restricted due to lack of limit, contact your issuing bank. |
59 | Unauthorized transaction. Purchase with suspected fraud, contact your issuing bank. |
4 | Transaction not completed. Please try again. |
58 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid merchant. |
6 | Unauthorized transaction. Consult accreditor. |
19 | Unauthorized transaction. Purchaser problem. |
30 | Unauthorized transaction. Format error. Contact your bank to try again. |
82 | Unauthorized transaction. Card error. Contact your bank to try again. |
64 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid minimum transaction amount. |
23 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid installment amount. |
38 | Unauthorized transaction. Password/purchase attempt amount exceeded. Contact your card center. |
75 | Unauthorized transaction. Exceeded withdrawal attempt amount. Contact your card center. |
61 | Unauthorized transaction. Value exceeded. Contact your card center. |
74 | Unauthorized transaction. Password expired. Contact your card center. |
P5 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid password. Contact your bank to try again. |
76 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid or non-existent destination account. Contact your bank to try again. |
77 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid or non-existent source account. Contact your bank to try again. |
78 | Unauthorized transaction. Unlock the card. |
91 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
96 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
99 | Unauthorized transaction. Value different from pre-authorization. Contact your bank to try again. |
AB | Unauthorized transaction. Use the credit function. |
AC | Unauthorized transaction. Use the debit function. |
P6 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid password. Use the new password. |
Code | What does it mean? |
116 | Unauthorized transaction. Card restricted due to lack of limit, contact your issuing bank. |
117 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid password. |
200 | Transaction not authorized by your bank due to suspected fraud. Contact your bank to try again. |
122 | Unauthorized transaction. The card provided does not exist or has incorrect data, please use data from an existing and valid card. |
115 | Unauthorized transaction. The card provided does not exist or has incorrect data, please use data from an existing and valid card. |
101 | Unauthorized transaction. The card provided has expired, please insert a valid card. |
109 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid trader. |
181 | Unauthorized transaction. Format error. Contact your bank to try again. |
180 | Unauthorized transaction. Card error. Contact your bank to try again. |
110 | Unauthorized transaction. Invalid transaction amount. |
106 | Unauthorized transaction. Password/purchase attempt amount exceeded. Contact your card center. |
912 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
911 | Unauthorized transaction. Communication failure. Try later. |
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