On this page:
Follow the route to make the request and add a card for your consumer. You will need to send the request containing some mandatory fields. Below, you can view our List of Field Descriptions for Adding a Card.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
holderName |
string | Holder name | Yes |
expirationMonth |
integer | Expiration month | Yes |
expirationYear |
integer | Expiration year | Yes |
cardNumber |
number | Card number | Yes |
securityCode |
string | Security code | Yes |
<aside> ⚠️ Attention: Only Primefy customers who have PCI Compliance certification can store sensitive payment data of consumers.
This is an example of how your request to register a new card should look like.
If your request is successful, you will receive the consumer object as the response.
200: OK
400: Bad Request
401: Unauthorized
403: Forbbiden
500: Internal Server Error
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