On this page:
You can make partial or total refunds to the consumer who made the purchase. We understand a refund as a monetary reimbursement or return that you want to make for any reason.
Refund is different from chargeback. Chargeback is a dispute opened by the Credit Card holder with the issuing bank - it can be for not recognizing the purchase or for commercial disagreement, while refund is a voluntary agreement between the establishment and the end consumer.
If you make a partial refund, the sale will be classified as Partially Paid. If you make a total refund, the sale will be classified as Cancelled.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
amount |
decimal | Total amount to be refunded | Yes |
description |
string | Brief description regarding the refund | No |
This is an example of what your request to authenticate might look like.
If your request is successful, you will receive the return of the consumer object.